
Shelly Wilson Ministries International is a tax-exempt, publicly supported organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, and is registered in Texas. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The official registration and financial information of Shelly Wilson Ministries International may be obtained from the Texas Department of State.

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Friends, this ministry has always remained on faith alone. It has been amazing what God has supplied in each time of need. As He has called a work forward, He seems to send the provision. Often, we are required to move in faith and obedience even before the finances are secured.

Each publication, each radio show airing, each trip to share the gospel and encourage the brethren costs financially. This is a full-time ministry and Shelly is committed to finishing well that which Christ has called us to do. You will not find any honorarium requirements and much of what is offered is freely given as needs arise.

We ask you to pray about coming alongside the ministry as it has tremendously expanded into support groups for women, a regular publication and tools printed for girls, and workshops for Shelly to shepherd the gifts in others.

The team has grown to include Jan Thompson, a licensed professional counselor for the women who are hurting and Breckett Wilson, who is a precious heart tending to the needs that arise as we grow.

If you simply feel led to partner in prayer, we would cherish this with all of our hearts. We need a strong intercession on behalf of that which Christ is asking us to do in the coming year.